Our Mission

To provide an environment for amateur and accomplished photographers in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina to gather and share their knowledge and enthusiasm for photography; particularly outdoor photography. 

Triad Outdoor Photographers, filled a gap in the photographic community of our area. The idea was to create a club, not only to share and look at each others images, but also a place where you can learn something and be inspired by others. An organization built on camaraderie rather than competition, education as well as socialization.

From those beginnings, our current organization keeps striving to provide new and better learning programs and speakers to our members, alert them to classes and workshops going on around them, offer opportunities to go out and stretch their skills and use their cameras, and as always, to look at some wonderful images of the world we live in.

Club Info

Meeting Place

Leonard Recreation Center - 6324 Ballinger Rd in Greensboro - Click here for a map.


The first Thursday of each month at 7pm. Click here to see our calendar


We have one planned outing each month. Check out our calendar for our upcoming schedule!


Annual dues are $20 for an individual membership, $30 for a family membership!  


Click here to contact us!

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